Hosea | Session 2 | Hosea 1-3

Hosea | Session 2 | Hosea 1-3
Dayton Women in the Word

WARNING: This lecture on Hosea 1-3 contains sensitive subject matter and language which may not be appropriate for children.

This week, Natalie begins a two-part lecture on the first three chapters of Hosea. The first part of the teaching covers Hosea 1:1-2:13.

In her lecture, Natalie talks about what it means to make a covenant with God, other Biblical covenants, and the specific importance of the marriage covenant (1:2-1:3). She walks us through the significance of the names of Hosea's children and what promises follow from those names (1:4-2:1). Natalie also shares her own story of emotional infidelity in  marriage and connects that to the story of Hosea and Gomer. Lastly, she explains how idol worship is classified as spiritual adultery and where the specific results of Israel's adultery are found in the text (2:2-2:13).

Natalie closes the talk by explaining the homework for Session 3.

To find the PowerPoint slides for Session 2, click here.

For more about Natalie's marriage testimony, click here.

Session 2 Outline: 

  • Hosea 1:2-1:3

    • What is a covenant?

    • What is special about the marriage covenant?

  • Hosea 1:4-2:1

    • What is the significance of Hosea's kids' names?

    • What promises follow the oracles of judgment?

  • Hosea 2:2-2:13

    • How is idol worship spiritual adultery?

    • What is the result of spiritual adultery?

    • Specific results of Israel's adultery

During Session 2, Natalie talks about the following references and resources:

Summer Study 2018DWITW