St. Vincent Bible Study
Dayton Women in the Word hosts a weekly Bible Study on Thursdays for the women staying at St. Vincent de Paul homeless shelter.
God has worked mightily in this area of ministry. It is intended to draw women who are facing difficult situations close to Him. Our St. Vincent team holds two rounds of study per year, with eight sessions per round. Additionally, the team hosts two special single Bible Study sessions in August and November.
Every week on Thursday, our St. Vincent team welcomes the guests at the St. Vincent de Paul homeless shelter to attend our Bible study. Our team creates a welcoming environment, setting a place at the table for each participant with a Bible they can take with them, a prayer bookmark, a nametag and card on which to write their prayer requests. The team brings snacks, water, coffee and something sweet to eat.
The Bible Study hour itself has a rhythm. We utilize a whiteboard to capture gratitudes to begin the study, as well as to share the passage for the day, the questions we cover and prayer requests. Our study focuses on the gospels so that each woman can experience the words of Jesus and the good news of the gospel.
If you would like to support this area of ministry (thank you!), there are many opportunities to do so.
Interested in serving with our St. Vincent Ministry?
Volunteer: Join our volunteer team by participating in this study on Thursdays. Sign up to attend here.
Our next Volunteer Training will be September 4th. Stay tuned for Registration details closer to the date.
Snacks and Bibles: If you love to bake, we invite you to support a session by baking some sweets for the participants to enjoy. You may also donate Bibles, Bible Coloring Books, snacks, and bottled water! Sign up for a spot here!
Donate financially: You can always donate on our support page!