Transformed | Jewel Mattingly {S4 E13}

Jewel Mattingly.jpg

This week, Jewel Mattingly joins us on the DWITW podcast! In this episode, Jewel shares how God spoke Psalm 46:10 to her while in a season of rebellion against Him. Through this verse, God has continued to show Jewel how to be still before Him, and also all the blessings that come with obeying Him in the stillness. Jewel also shares of her struggle with submission and how the Lord has taught her that submission is not only as unto her husband, but is ultimately to God through her submission to her husband.

Jewel wants to live in a world where everyone loves each other, where cancer does NOT exist, and where people find peace in Jesus. She wishes in this world that her garden would grow abundantly so that she could live off the earth. When she's not at work or church, you can find her spending time with her family (especially her grand-girls), taking care of her chickens, working in her garden, or cleaning her home.

Her favorite Scriptures are: John 16:33 (KJV), Romans 8:31-39 (ESV) and Revelation 21:1-7 (ESV).

Podcast Navigation: 

01:00 Getting To Know Jewel
03:00 Jewel's Scripture
06:00 God Through Marriage
08:00 The Battle Of Submission
17:00 How To Be Still, But Still Moving
24:00 The Twisting Of Beautiful Gifts

On this episode, Jillian and Jewel talk about the following references and resources:

*Note from Jillian*

Hi Listeners, in Jewel's episode we talk just a little bit about the topic of submission. We haven't talked a lot about this topic as a ministry, but it is important and it is Biblical. If you are interested in learning, we highly recommend you read the chapter on submission in the book, The Meaning of Marriage, by Tim and Kathy Keller.  Also check out the article "Six Things Submission Is Not" by John Piper. Above all, however, we urge you to seek out God's Word for yourself on the subject of submission - a few verses to get you started might be: 1 Peter 3:1-6, Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18-24.

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.