Mark | Session 4 | Chapters 6-8


This week, Kaitlyn lectures on chapters 6-8 of Mark’s Gospel. She begins with a brief overview of the content from the previous week. From there, she launches into this jam-packed session by talking about the rejection faced by Jesus, the apostles, and John the Baptist. Next, she shows how Jesus is the Shepherd King who takes care of His sheep. She then spends some time looking at how much importance Jesus and all of Scripture place on the state of our hearts. Finally, she speaks on how Jesus didn’t only come for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles, and the lecture concludes with a look at who Jesus is and different responses to Him throughout Mark 6-8. Kaitlyn wraps up with a quick word about the homework for week 5.

You can find the slides for Session 4 here.

During Session 4, Kaitlyn talks about the following references and resources:


Summer Study 2019DWITW