Marlow's Story {Special Episode}


Today on this special episode of the DWITW podcast, Jillian interviews our dear sister, Mindy Braun. You will want to grab your tissue box for this episode as Mindy shares the story of her beautiful daughter, Marlow. Please know that if you find yourself in a sensitive place right now, this is a story of infant loss and we do not want that to come as a surprise to you as you listen. We also want to warn you that this episode gets long, but we believe you will be encouraged by the entire thing so we have chosen not to edit it down. Feel free to pause when you need to and pick back up where you left off to hear all the ways God has met with the Braun family during the past several months. We also encourage you to share this episode with anyone in the midst of grief or suffering.

Mindy wants to live in a world where peace reigns and the pool is always the perfect temperature. When she’s not at home, you can find her at St. Anne the Tart. But really, you can find her editing photos, serving with Safe Families, mommin’ it up and folding laundry. 

Her favorite Scriptures are 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 and Isaiah 65:17-20.

Podcast Navigation: 

01:00 Meet Mindy Braun
05:00 Experience of moving into their new home
08:00 Mindy’s pregnancy with Marlow
12:00 Marlow’s birth story
29:00 Marlow is sent to Nationwide Children's Hospital
45:00 The Caroline room
53:00 Waiting on God’s timing
60:00 Capturing memories of Marlow
66:00 Singing with Marlow 
75:00 How God has met the Brauns over the last several months

On this episode, Jillian and Mindy talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.