Good News | Kate Dannecker {S7 E2}


Bethany is joined by Kate Dannecker today to talk about what sharing the Gospel looks like for her as a single woman and foster mom, and how her firsthand experiences of brokenness have been an invitation to deeper hope and greater love. 

Kate wants to live in a world where God's love and justice are on display in our homes, communities, and the world. When she's not fostering kiddos, you can find her running, biking, or sitting at her favorite coffee shop (Coffee Hub.) Her favorite Scripture is Colossians 1:15-23.

You can connect with Kate via her SinglyLoving YouTube channel or Instagram.

Podcast Navigation: 

01:40   Meet Kate
02:30  How would you define the Gospel to somebody?
05:00  What is your experience in coming to know the Gospel yourself?
07:20  How has your understanding of the Gospel changed?
10:00  How is God leading you to share the Gospel in this season of life?
23:00  What are barriers to sharing the Gospel in this season?
27:30  Encouragement for listeners. 
30:30 What places in Scripture are most helpful for Gospel sharing?

On this episode, Bethany and Kate talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.