Summer Study Preview | In the Shoes of a Kids’ Volunteer


On today’s episode of the Summer Study Preview, Natalie sits down with Kate Haas to discuss the DWITW kids program that goes on during Wednesday morning sessions of the summer study. They reflect on how this aspect of the summer study began and how God has been faithful in continuing to grow the opportunities for DWITW to minister to children through the summer study. They also talk through what really it’s like to volunteer with the kids and which roles you can volunteer to fill.

Today, May 17th, is the last day to register! Also, if you have additional questions or would like to volunteer (there’s still a few openings!), email us at

Podcast Navigation:

01:40 Meet Kate
03:00   How the DWITW kids’ program began
07:30   What it’s like to volunteer in the kids’ program
12:00   Why participate in the kids’ program?
20:20    Did it feel like you missed out by not being in the
women’s study?
21:20   Roles in kids’ program
23:00 Changes to program this year
26:00   Encouragement for those considering volunteering
and moms participating in study

On this episode, Natalie and Kate talk about the following references and resources:

*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.