Breaking Barriers | Sally Breen {S8 E10}

Today, Bethany wraps up Season 8 of the DWTIW podcast with guest Sally Breen. Sally shares the barriers she experiences as a mother of three, “jolly” to 5 grandchildren, and wife to a pastor. In this season of Sally’s life, she has recognized her ability to “slow down” her days and how this helps in her relationship with the Lord. Sally shares with us experience and wisdom, and we hope this conversation blesses you, especially during this time.

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Breaking Barriers | Felicia Davis {S8 E9}

We know this is a difficult time for our world, but be comforted sisters! God wants to meet you and draw you close today, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Lean into Him for strength, and keep standing upon His Word. If you are feeling challenged when reaching for your Bible during this unique time, this season of the podcast is a great resource for you. Season 8 is all about the barriers we encounter when approaching God’s Word, and our guests share different ways God has taught them and helped them work to overcome those barriers!

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Breaking Barriers | Katelyn Lloyd {S8 E8}

On this season of the podcast, we’ve been investigating what can keep us from the Word of God. Today, Bethany sits down with Katelyn Lloyd to discuss the barriers she encounters in her current season of life as a new work-from-home mom. Katelyn opens up about the struggles she has with time and comparison when trying to sit down with her Bible. Katelyn discusses the Lord’s faithfulness and character, which transcend all seasons of life. We hope their conversation encourages you to not fall into comparison or guilt, but to delight in the Living Word.

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Breaking Barriers | Kjersti Fry {S8 E7}

In today’s episode, Bethany sits down with DWITW team member and guest, Kacey Dixon! Today, Bethany and Kacey share wisdom with us concerning the cultural context of the Bible. We live in a world vastly different from the days of the Bible. Kacey highlights the importance of understanding those differences so we can better understand God’s Word and apply it to our lives. Our culture can pose as a barrier, a lens, or filter when we read our Bibles, but we pray this episode inspires you to not only dig into the Word, but enjoy its context and history as well!

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Breaking Barriers | Kacey Dixon {S8 E6}

In today’s episode, Bethany sits down with DWITW team member and guest, Kacey Dixon! Today, Bethany and Kacey share wisdom with us concerning the cultural context of the Bible. We live in a world vastly different from the days of the Bible. Kacey highlights the importance of understanding those differences so we can better understand God’s Word and apply it to our lives. Our culture can pose as a barrier, a lens, or filter when we read our Bibles, but we pray this episode inspires you to not only dig into the Word, but enjoy its context and history as well!

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