The Shema // Ep.8 What Have We Learned? What Now? {S11 E8}

This episode is the eighth teaching session in Dayton Women in the Word’s The Shema Group Study Bundle. In this episode, Jillian concludes the study by encouraging the listener to paraphrase the Shema in their own words. She also puts forward a few reflective questions and reviews the main truths covered in the past seven sessions. To conclude, she shares some tips on what to do after finishing the study.

These recordings are designed to accompany your study after you spend time in individual study and group discussion. To study along with us, download The Shema Group Study Companion Guide.

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Yet Even Now | Mary Thomas {S10 E2}

In this second episode of “Yet Even Now,” Mary discusses Joel 1:4-20, detailing the locust plague, the cause of the plague, and the instructions of Joel in response to the plague. She vividly compares the devastation of the locusts to the nature of sin and walks us through both God’s wrath and call to repent in this short, prophetic book. This five-episode series was originally created to be a weekend conference, and is now available as a podcast. These episodes may also be used as a 5-week personal or group study in the book of Joel. A study Companion Guide is available for download on this episode page.

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