Advent Resources for a Christ-Centered Christmas (2017 Edition)

Welcome to the 2017 Holiday Season, friends. What a joy it is to celebrate Jesus! We loved putting together our Advent Resources list last year, so we're making it a DWITW tradition and sharing some new finds for 2017.

We know that not everyone celebrates Advent and that there are a huge range of Christmas traditions among Christians, so please remember: this post is not meant to be an "Advent To Do" list. It would be impossible to meaningfully engage in all of these resources at once. Our goal is to connect you with the resources that are already out there and put them all in one place for easy access. (We've done all the Googling for you!)


Note: All of the resources we shared last year are excellent and many are still available, so go check those out in last year's post. This post will focus on what's new (or new-to-us) for 2017. 

Devotional Plans and Books


Family Resources
This is just the tip of the iceberg for family resources! Check last year's post for more.

Children's Books and Music
Find more of our favorite children's books in last year's post.

Advent Calendar Cards

Now, tell us what we've missed! What traditions do you have during the Advent season? Share with us in the comments below!

Natalie Herr is the Team Lead for Dayton Women in the Word. She is a servant of God, a wife, and a mom of four. She loves teaching and equipping women with God's Word.

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