Posts tagged Lent
Lent Resources for a Christ-Centered Easter (2019 Edition)

Hey, friends! This year Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season, falls on March 6th, 2019. We know not everyone observes this season, but some do, and we wanted to provide some resources for those of you that do. As mentioned on the Advent resources posts, this is not intended as a to-do list, but is a list of all sorts of suggestions that you can easily access! Perhaps, you can find a resource or two you would like to use while you celebrate this season in a way that rings true to your heart. 

Also, one thing we wanted to mention before you look through the list below is that some of the resources (especially the family ones) are not 40 days long or they are for use closer to Holy Week/Easter time. We know this isn’t an exhaustive list, so we would love for you to comment and share the resources you like to use or what you enjoy doing during the Lent/Easter season!


Devotional Plans


Family Resources and Activities

Children’s Books and Music

