Mark | Session 6 | Chapters 11-13


In Session 6, Kaitlyn lectures over Mark 11-13. She opens with a discussion about the different sections of Mark, and then launches into this final section in which we will see how Jesus becomes the Messianic King. She then covers Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, which includes His prophecy-fulfilling entry into the city on the colt of a donkey, His cursing of a fig tree, and His cleaning of the temple. Next, she looks at four questions asked to Jesus by the different religious leaders of the day, and then Jesus asks a question and issues a warning to the people against the scribes. This warning concludes Jesus’ public ministry. Lastly, she walks through the Olivet Discourse, in which Jesus speaks about the destruction of the temple and signs of the end of the age. She wraps up with a look at who Jesus is and how people responded to Him in Mark 11-13, and then briefly presents the homework for this week.

You can find the slides for Session 6 here.

During Session 6, Kaitlyn talks about the following references and resources:


Summer Study 2019DWITW