Mark | Session 7 | Chapters 14 & 15


This week, Kaitlyn covers the final days of Jesus’ life as chronicled in Mark 14-15. She walks us through the events of each day, beginning on Wednesday with the chief priests and scribes seeking Jesus’ life and ending on Friday, with His crucifixion and burial. We’ll see Jesus anointed for burial by a woman who lavishly pours out her love for Him. Shortly after, Jesus feasts on the Passover meal with His disciples, foretells His betrayal, institutes the Lord’s Supper, and predicts Peter’s denials. Kaitlyn then walks us through Jesus’ prayers in Gethsemane, His betrayal, His trial by the Jewish religious leaders, Peter’s three denials, and Jesus’ sentencing, crucifixion, and burial. We leave the Savior of the World buried in a rock tomb as this lecture ends, and we’re left with the question: who do you say Jesus is? And what are you going to do about it?

You can find the slides for Session 7 here.

During Session 7, Kaitlyn talks about the following references and resources:


Summer Study 2019DWITW