Remembrance {Team Journal}

Today’s team journal was written by our Finance Director, Christina Von Moll. 


I heard it said somewhere by someone that there are no coincidences when it comes to the things of God. When images and themes keep popping up in different circumstances it’s probably a good idea to pay attention. Lately for me, it’s been stones of remembrance. I’ve been studying Joshua with my local BSF class and our DWITW podcast live recording centered around women sharing testimonies of stones of remembrance in their lives. This coincidence led me to think about what stones I had to lay down in remembrance of all He has done in my life.

Here and now we can raise our thanksgiving to the Lord because there is so much to remember.

God saved me when I was a crushed and abused soul seeking worth in the attention and approval of the world. He used my brokenness to open my eyes to my need for a Savior. He used my less than ideal circumstances to stir my heart to desire the fullness of a life given over to that Savior. He opened my eyes to the reality of my spiritual depravity and for every lie that was struck down by the truth of His Word, a piece of my carefully curated mask was torn away. I started to run out of hiding places within myself and I was on the edge of complete surrender, complete trust, and completely finding my worth and identity in Him. This meant dying to the shame and broken mindset that was my default.

While teetering on the brink, I endured a confusing and toxic break up which fueled my fall back into shame. I was desperate to find rest in my old habits but quickly realized that it only lead to restlessness. I knew I was in rebellion and disobedient to the truth that had been so endearing to me. It was a dark season but God pursued me. He drew me in once again and I felt the call to repent of my disobedience and walk a new path. By the complete grace of God I met my husband during that bleak season. Four years and two amazingly beautiful kids later I can see His sovereign hand that brought me to this place. As I look back at what He’s done in my life, the disappointments and hardships I face now are put into perspective. God is completely and totally trustworthy and He will bring me through any trial.

Here I’ll raise my Ebenezer
by thy help I’m come”

These words from the famous hymn ”Come Thou Fount” resonate in my heart as I think on the testimonies He has written for me.

In the midst of disappointment, reversal, or any challenge we face. We can remember the grace of the Lord and His love over us. Whatever side of deliverance we may be on, whether He has called us to, through, or out of something we can raise our Ebenezer. With every stone, in every circumstance, we can thank the Lord for his lavish grace and faithfulness that has brought us right here. Here and now we can raise our thanksgiving to the Lord because there is so much to remember. Where we are matters and we should always remember the strength and the steadfast love of the Lord that brought us here. If you are going through difficulty, know that His faithfulness endures beyond any earthly circumstance and that this season is a light momentary affliction. One day as you look back it will be but another stone and testimony of His goodness. You’ll see how He used every circumstance to bring you here.

Christina Von Moll wants to live in a world where coffee breaks are mandatory and kids actually sleep through the night. When she's not wrangling her two tiny children, you can find her binge-watching seasons of "The Office" or curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Her favorite Scripture is 1 John 3:1-2, ESV.